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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Engagement, or Enslavement?

What should unions do?

Unions are the united, democratic voice of its members, as well as nonmembers in similar positions. Fight for one, fight for all. But they have been under heavy attack since neoliberalism co-opted globalization in the 1980s.

Why? Large corporations make huge profits through the globalization of exploitation and outright slavery. There are currently more sweatshops and actual slaves in the world today than throughout the rest of history.  This is the cost of unrestrained capitalism where markets are considered sacred. Markets eat their own for profit, and exploit anything and everything they can. Monopoly and oligarchy are the inevitable results. Unions threaten this.

Unions are democracy and peaceful protest in action, or should be. Unfortunately once they achieved most of their initial goals in the developed countries, unions concentrated on protecting their influence rather than helping workers. All unions should form a worldwide association doing everything in its power to spread wherever exploitation exists. They need to maintain past achievements as much as possible but be flexible enough to pitch in when business goes through truly rough times... not just attempts to maximize shareholder and CEO gains. Then they should give back by taking necessary cuts, but these must be reversed when conditions improve. Unions don’t work by tearing down, but by raising everyone up.

Voters may be surrendering their voices without a fight partially because they see unions, the worker democracies, doing the same. Apathy, like depression, anxiety, and the flu, tends to go viral.

Attacks on workers and exploitation effect the majority of the populace, like politics, and government, and economics... three separate things too often confused. Strong unions help ensure a broad and strong middleclass while minimizing poverty. Strong, happy workers equal strong, happy families and societies.  This is good for all except those exploiting the system, particularly in the non-industry (industries create real wealth not its transfer and consolidation) of finance (the ones who created the current mess).

If unions can engage their members, they engage the populace. Enthusiasm and patriotism are viral, as well as righteous outrage. If they fight for and safeguard worker rights wherever needed, they can inspire and drive worldwide change. The kind of globalization the world really needs.

Attacks on unions are attacks by the privileged elite on the common person, though always presented as the opposite. Tjats how depression and evil work. They make giod seem baf and call evil gods work. That’s why the privileged rich convince the poor into thinking everyone is likely to get rich if they are virtuous or blessed and that education creates entitled elites, when in fact education is a far surer path to success for the common person – education opens one’s eyes to such misdirection and you come to realize that hypocrisy is usually quite blatant.

Workers of the world unite. Join your voices for justice, democracy, and equality. The suffering of one is the suffering of all. Holiness cannot be achieved through hatred. Violence never creates legitimacy and is only justified in self-defense, like the way Syria started, before foreigners hijacked the revolution. They only became violent when the government, Assad, insisted on responding to peaceful protest by torturing and killing innocents and children, in fact, only after many years of such oppression and brutality.

Order and safety come only through organization. Together we can support each other as needed, divided we are alone against the powerful. That’s why political parties and unions exist. Both forms of organization are necessary in a democracy, and when one becomes dysfunctional the other becomes essential. When both are suffering from apathy, there are no united voices, no real representation, and no functional democracy, just rule by the highly motivated, and often privileged, few.

Engagement, or enslavement?

Your choice.

Vetoing Effectiveness

Some say that the United Nations doesn’t work, and they ate correct, or at least partially so. It has many sub-organizations that are extremely effective in serving their mandates. Where it fails, and fails big, is the so-called Security Council. There is no way for such a council to function when even one member holds a veto. It invalidates its very existence.

You want actual world security, eliminate the veto. The five members with them will retain their permanent seats, but then no one member, or two, as in Syria, can hold the Council hostage to its selfish interests. Maybe then it could actually act, enabling the General Assembly to do so (A direction of process that seems backward to me but it’s what we have.)

The world doesn’t need full unity to establish a preponderance of peace and put out fires before they explode, taking out millions, it needs to end the veto and its strangle hold on the process. The tyranny of the few must end.

This should be put to a binding vote of the general assembly.

Veto the veto!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

4 Necessities for Democratic Civilization

I believe that there are four things that a healthy democratic civilization requires enough that they should be mandatory duties of all citizens and treated as such rather than onerous tasks of inconvenience.

Jury Duty

The basis of a fair legal system with judgement by peers. It is already required with punishments for failure to serve without just excuse.I believe our model lies here.


The pooling of individual wealth for common purpose and welfare. Avoiding it should be shameful, not good business practice and all avoidance loopholes should be closed. Businesses, instead of sitting on billions in profits should be forced to contribute more. Without the civilization the business can't exist.


A healthy democracy needs a healthy populace. Free choice is always limited when it harms others. Vaccines which truly immunize against serious communicable diseases need to be mandatory.


The basis of the political system, it is even more essential than jury duty and should be treated as such. Everyone is a registered voter. If you don't show up to vote without a valid excuse you should be fined or face a small amount of jail time, as per jury duty.

All these things are far too important to the common good to be left to individual whim and convenience.Without them a healthy democracy is not possible. Without juries you have no justice. Without immunization you have plague. Without taxation you have no common services, infrastructure, or other projects requiring massive funds and are dependent upon the good will of the few who can afford it, like robber barons and kings. Without voting you have a populatuce able to completely tune out to things that affect everyone's lives. The vocal, often fanatical or extreme few who participate determine the path of the country for all. It becomes a de facto tyranny, an elected dictatorship of the interested. Again, too important to leave to common sense and free choice.

But, except for these four boots to the collective ass, free will should be one of the first common goods protected. Without it, democracy - and life - is meaningless.