I have originally went to Aphria for my medical cannabis needs at the suggestion of my doctor. I was happy at first, decent product, decent price. Then a weekend hit. It is a stupidity in the medical cannabis industry in Canada that no one works on weekends. You can order 30 days of medicine then you must wait until the 31st day to order your next 30 days worth. This means that you run out before you get more. You are typically out for a day, maybe two by the time you order and get it delivered by the fastest method possible. If it falls on a weekend you are screwed until Monday.I chose my first supplier because Aurora offers same day delivery. But not on weekends, although that would certainly be possible if they would offer the option. Amazon does, so could they.
Then my doctor suggested Aphria to broaden my selection so I could try more strains and get the CBD to THC ratio right for me. Things were fine until the weekend arrived. The best they could do was have it by Monday. Since they are in Ontario and I am in Alberta, I put up with this. Then they sent it and I could see through the delivery company that my order was sitting at the airport in my area. It sat there all weekend until Monday. Aggravating but what can you do? Each time I order from Aphria, my order date is ignored and the delivery date is the date they have gone with for when I can reorder. Thus my order date advance further every month.
Then, this weekend came. I ordered as soon as physically possible, on midnight Ontario time for Friday, 10pm my time Thursday. Then I waited. They usually process it in one day, though they warn it can be two. They say they are open on Saturday even though they don't deliver. So I waited for Monday as usual. Having run out on Thursday .each day thereafter my anxiety, depression, and inflammatory bowel disease became more problematic, until I couldn't function any longer. Monday arrived and I still hadn't gotten the email saying that my order was on its way. So I complained. I was told that I should order earlier in the week. Not a possibility and they should damn well know that. They didn't. I don't think they train their people. Then they said that I should have ordered Friday morning. So I told them I ordered at 12:13am their time. It took that long to go through the process. I couldn't start until 12am their time. So they apologized and said they would rush it out that day. They also offered a $15 credit. I spend over $800 per month, which fortunately gets reimbursed through my wife's awesome insurance. So this meant nothing to me. The price of 2 g when I order 90g from and was thinking of switching my other 60g to them too. I told them and gave them an hour to send me the delivery email, after emailing and messaging them throughout the morning and afternoon. Starved for sleep and food, because I can't eat or sleep due to my conditions. I managed to grab a two hour nap. When I checked there was nothing. I was furious.
Due to a fax error, my Aurora part of my monthly order was set back a week from the Aprhia one. A few hours later the email arrived saying it was on its way. I checked the dates on the receipt and the delivery label had been created on Saturday. The shipment was sent on the Tuesday morning, 5 days after I placed my order. It is supposed to arrive Wednesday, 6 days later and the day my Aurora is due to arrive. They managed to waste a full work week forcing me to go without medicine for the entire time. They apologized for the inconvenience. It's not inconvenient, it's damn painful and a long horrible experience that I take medicine to avoid. The medicine they are supposed to send in a timely manner. When I realized early in the month that I would be screwed by a weekend, again, I suggested that they take the lead and start weekend deliveries. I said I'd pay extra for it and I would. It is worth it not to be in pain, depressed and anxious. Being able to eat and sleep is also nice.
It drives me crazy that pharmacies and Amazon can operate on weekends but this entire industry WON'T. I would switch to any supplier who did offer this. I stick with Aurora because they are reliable, dependable. I order it as soon a possible and it arrives that afternoon. Like clockwork. I only went to Aphria because Aurora was new and had problems keeping sufficient stock at first. I'll be ditching Aphria as soon as I can. I'll give Aurora the $1400 or so a month that I was going to give to Aphria. If you can't depend on your medicine supplier for timely delivery and have to go through frequent periods without the medication they are much good as a supplier. Aphria isn't reliable. They spend too much effort and time giving out free hats, medicine kits, and grinders. I need my medicine on time. I don't give a damn about their logo on a hat. I posted my complaint on the Facebook page and another client said he had only been with them a short time and they had to give him several credits already. Credits don't treat medical conditions. Medicine does.
If the system allowed you to order a day or two ahead of the 31st day mark, like you can do with any other medication, this would be less of a problem. However them's the rules so we're stuck. We need dependable, timely processing and delivery.
Do not rely on Aphria for your medicine. They will only disappoint and leave you hanging.
I'm done with them. As soon as I can get an appointment with my doctor I will be switching it all to Aurora because then I can get my medicine the day I need it and not a damn week later.
Bye bye Aphria and good riddance.
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